Plasmolifting is an innovation in rejuvenation. It allows you to use the hidden resources of the human body. The composition of the formula for injection includes only one component - plasma from one's own blood. The uniqueness of this method lies, first of all, in the fact that the possibility of plasma rejection by the body is completely excluded. This means that any side effects are excluded.
What is the basis of this amazing method? It uses the ability of platelets to activate the body's production of collagen and skin stem cells. Platelet-rich plasma is injected into the skin, where it stimulates collagen-producing cells.
The basis of the plasmolifting technique
What happens in the human body after the introduction of its own platelet-rich plasma? The action of plasmolifting begins with the fact that the functions of skin fibroblasts are activated. Significantly increases the rate of its own production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastane. The result of these processes is the natural rejuvenation of the skin. The aging process is slowed down, the color and elasticity of the skin are visibly improved. Thus, plasmolifting is a revolutionary way of rejuvenation, which has practically no contraindications!
A contraindication for this procedure is the presence of serious diseases (cancer, blood problems, etc. - everything is specified before the procedure). Also, the procedure is not recommended during pregnancy and on "critical days".
Plasma injections are carried out by mesotherapy. The scheme of administration is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual indications of the patient. According to statistics, at least 40% of patients notice a significant effect after the first session of plasma skin rejuvenation. The uniqueness of this method is also in the fact that its action is cumulative, that is, the effect is enhanced with each subsequent procedure.
The speed of the onset of the effect directly depends on the individual indicators of the person undergoing the procedure. The younger the age, the faster the effect of skin rejuvenation occurs. This procedure is indicated for patients whose age does not exceed 75 years. A large number of sessions will be needed for those patients who have pronounced soft tissue atrophy and wrinkles.

Plasmolifting can significantly reduce the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin, that is, it is the most effective method of combating photoaging. This method is also effective in cases where the patient has received severe sunburn or is prone to pigmentation.
How is a plasmolifting session performed?

The procedure is the safest and most natural for the patient because it uses his own plasma. Blood sampling is carried out in a volume of not more than 100 ml.
This procedure is absolutely safe - in terms of complexity and duration, it is comparable to the usual blood test from a vein.
Next, the plasma is processed on special equipment. The result is platelet-rich plasma, which is injected into the patient during a plasma therapy session.
Plasma therapy is a moderately painful procedure. This factor depends on the individual sensitivity of the person. In the vast majority of cases, anesthesia is not required. After the procedure is completed, no prescriptions are required, there is no rehabilitation period.
History and range of applications
A unique and incredibly effective plasma-lifting technique was developed in 2004. In the same year, it was patented by two authors of the invention - a candidate of medical sciences, an implantologist and a professor, a doctor of medical sciences, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. For some time, this technique was used only in maxillofacial surgery, implantation and dentistry.
Somewhat later, the effectiveness of enriched plasma was also experimentally proven for the treatment of baldness. Already after the first procedure, hair loss slows down significantly. The full course allows not only to restore the structure of the hair, but to restore their growth. In the treatment of baldness, the effectiveness of this method reaches 80 percent.
- After the first plasmolifting procedure, after 2-4 days, hair loss slows down.
- After the second procedure, hair loss stops completely.
- Hair stops thinning.
- Stops the death of hair follicles.
- The diameter and structure of the hair is restored.
- Already after the first session, seborrhea (dandruff) disappears and the functioning of the sebaceous glands returns to normal.
- The growth of bacteria and fungi on the scalp is inhibited.
- From the phase of hair loss, the hair "passes" into the growth phase.
At the moment, plasmolifting is fully adapted for cosmetic procedures and is a unique rejuvenation method that has no analogues in the world. When carrying out cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenation, the following occurs:
- Wrinkles are smoothed out.
- Improves skin turgor and its general condition.
- The processes of producing your own hyaluronic acid and collagen are restored.
Is plasmolifting safe?
The uniqueness of this method lies not only in its incredible efficiency, but also in its safety. None of the currently existing rejuvenation methods can be compared with this procedure in terms of safety. Since during the procedure the patient is injected with his own plasma, allergic reactions, the risk of individual rejection and any other negative reactions of the body are completely excluded.

Your own enriched plasma is also safe from the point of view of infection with infectious diseases, including such dangerous ones as viral hepatitis and HIV. Without any fear, plasmolifting can be used not only to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but also to rejuvenate the chest and décolleté areas.
The procedure does not cause mutations, does not disrupt the hormonal background and is not addictive. If the patient for some reason does not want to carry out further procedures, this does not threaten him with anything. If the course of plasma skin rejuvenation has not been completed, the achieved effect will persist for some time, and then the cells will gradually return to the state in which they were before the start of the sessions.
Plasmolifting is an easy and safe way to natural rejuvenation of the body. Age, adverse environmental conditions, disruption of the regimen and stress are all known enemies of youth and health. Platelet-rich plasma is able to activate the patient's individual mechanisms for the synthesis of substances and intercellular metabolism. Plasmolifting will allow you to effectively use the hidden reserves of the body, and preserve youth and beauty for a long time. Attractive and young need to remain at any age.
The use of plasmolifting in cosmetology

Over time, pathological aging processes are triggered in all layers of the dermis, which are directly related to the withering of the body as a whole. That is why in the process of cell division of the epidermis, errors occur that lead to thinning and deterioration of the skin - our main protective barrier. So, the nutrition of cells is significantly worsened and the processes of producing high-quality elastin and collagen fibers slow down.
Exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays leads to the appearance of mimic wrinkles and age spots, dry skin. As a result of the influence of internal and external factors (poor ecology, stress and diseases), the processes of cell metabolism and skin regeneration change. So, in the cells there is a lack of oxygen and nutrition, and waste products are not completely excreted. All this is the cause of the appearance of external signs of skin aging.
Plasmolifting is used in cosmetology to slow down the aging process and adjust the body to the "youth mode". It is the intracellular effect of autoplasma on the body that helps to eliminate visible and hidden signs of skin aging.
The use of platelet autoplasma in cosmetology helps to achieve the following results:
- reduction of signs of photoaging and chronoaging;
- improvement of complexion;
- improvement of the general appearance and condition of the skin;
- lightening age spots;
- restoration of the processes of production of hyaluronic acid and collagen;
- increased tissue regeneration;
- increased elasticity and turgor of the skin;
- smoothing folds and wrinkles;
- tincture of the body's cells to the "youth mode".
The effect of rejuvenation is noticeable immediately after the first procedure. And the results of the course remain for 1-1. 5 years, depending on the age of the patient, his state of health and skin quality.
Method safety
To obtain platelet-rich plasma, an average of 20-100 ml of blood is required. Taking even the maximum amount (100 ml) of blood is not only absolutely safe for the body, but also contributes to the activation of the functioning of the hematopoietic system.
During the procedure, the patient's blood is injected into the dermis, which eliminates rejection and any allergic reactions. The indisputable advantage is the complete absence of a rehabilitation period - small bruises that appear at the site of numerous injections quickly disappear.
- malignant formations;
- systemic blood diseases;
- allergic to heparin.
Plasmolifting mechanisms

Withering of the skin is the result of a slowdown in the processes of metabolism and cell regeneration. That is, to stop the aging process, you need to restart the cell renewal mechanism. It is human plasma (blood) that contains all the elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of cells and the whole organism and its own renewal mechanisms. It has long been known that the stimulating mechanisms of the blood are noticeably activated with an increase in the concentration of platelets in it. The composition of platelets includes regulatory molecules that ensure the process of tissue regeneration in case of damage or a decrease in cell activity.
After the patient is injected with platelet-rich plasma, fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) located in the deep layers begin to actively synthesize elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for skin elasticity and smoothness. In addition, the process of restoring the matrix of the dermal layer is launched and, in order to destroy excess melanin, active stimulation of skin macrophages begins. That is, the method is based on the mechanism of activation of the body's connective tissue cells by its own plasma. As a result, the rejuvenation effect obtained cannot be compared with the effect of traditional methods.
This procedure can be performed at any age, from the appearance of age-related changes in the skin of the face and other cosmetic defects. In most cases, signs of aging begin to appear around the age of 30-35.
Plasmolifting is recommended for:
- dryness and peeling of the skin of the face;
- decrease in skin turgor;
- appearance of signs of aging
- changes in connective tissue fibers;
- the appearance of small wrinkles;
- the appearance of the first signs of ptosis of the tissues of the neck and face;
- the formation of stretch marks on the skin, as a result of a sharp weight loss;
- strong exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays;
- skin rehabilitation after chemical or laser peeling;
- inflammation of the sebaceous glands;
- hair loss.
Carrying out the plasmolifting procedure

The day before the biochemical analysis of plasma, fried and fatty foods and foods containing a lot of preservatives should be excluded from the diet. 4 hours before the start of the procedure, it is better to refrain from eating, limiting yourself to drinking.
To obtain PRP intended for intradermal and subcutaneous injections, blood is taken into a test tube intended for plasma lifting. The procedure itself is safe and virtually painless. The next stage is blood purification and its division into three fractions in a special centrifuge. For further manipulations, only PRP is needed. A feature of the technology is the production of plasma, the concentration of platelets in which is 950-1, 200 thousand cells per ml of plasma. The entire process of obtaining PRP is automated, therefore it takes about 15 minutes.
Further, the resulting plasma is immediately injected according to a certain scheme into the patient's dermis. The plasma is injected into the reticular layer, where active fibroblasts are located along the Langer line (natural age stretch line). The result of the production of new collagen and elastin fibers is skin tightening in a natural way. If during the procedure the plasma is injected no deeper than the papillary layer of the dermis (according to the principle of mesotherapy), the process of producing hyaluronic acid is activated.
The procedure takes less than an hour and usually does not require anesthesia. In some cases, if necessary, local anesthesia is used.
Plasmolifting results

Already after the first procedure, changes in the skin for the better are noticeable, but the final result can be obtained only after 2-3 procedures with an interval of six months. The result of plasmolifting can be called natural skin rejuvenation - the disappearance of wrinkles, bruises under the eyes and folds, increased skin elasticity, normalization of water balance, a significant improvement in complexion and slowing down the skin aging process.
Perhaps the most noticeable effect of this procedure is "porcelain skin" - velvety, smooth, bleached. The result depends on the patient's age, skin condition and other factors. The results are stored for 1-1. 5 years. Outwardly, the results of plasmolifting are the same as those from superficial surgical facelift, and this is without any surgical intervention.